Platinum Age Management

Platinum Age Management - Epigenetics: The Main Component for a Better Life!

Epigenetics: the main component for a better life!

Platinum Age Management developed its concept based on the foundations of epigenetics. This science, which is still unknown to the public, is nevertheless essential for understanding the factors which influence the quality of our life and consequently, our health and longevity.

Epigenetics is the science that studies the interaction between our environment and the expression of our genes in our cells. How external phenomena, such as our lifestyle, can modulate the expression of our DNA.

Epigenetics plays a crucial role in many biological processes. Factors such as diet, stress or exposure to toxins can influence the epigenetic profile and, therefore, gene expression.

Unlike genetic mutations, epigenetic modifications can be reversible and sometimes transient. However, some epigenetic marks can be passed down from generation to generation.

In summary, epigenetics is an essential dimension of biology that allows dynamic regulation of the expression of our genes.

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Platinum Age Management is a Club Vivanova Platinum Partner